I have reconciled with the bank through 8/31 - at 8/31 the ending balance was $155,160 per the bank stmt.
Why does this show bank balance of $241k but ending balance of $71k? There are few Sept transactions and they do not total the difference.
3 Comments 3 Community Champion September 28, 2020 01:05 PMOn this most recent Reconciliation you're saying you put in:
Statement Closing Date
Statement Beginning Balance
Statement Ending Balance
And when you finished matching what the bank showed as cleared the Reconciliation showed a $0 Difference. Correct?
And with all the prior times you Reconciled you also came out with a $0 Difference? There was never a time you just let it go thinking you'd catch it later? (That doesn't really work easily with QBs.)
If all of your outstanding items are accounted for (both credit & debit) then there has to have been a change to the account. By any chance were any reconciled items deleted or changed? Even if an item(s) was deleted by mistake and then added back in and checked as reconciled, it will affect the Reconciliation Balance.
Go through the Reconcile process again and put in all the info from the last statement (you can cancel out at the end). Does anything still show up in the list that stands out to you as an issue? Often old items that were deleted and added back up will show up here.