Asthma action plans

An up-to-date asthma action plan guides you and people who care for children with asthma on how to manage asthma day-to-day and how to respond to asthma flare ups and attacks, and in an emergency, including with asthma emergency first-aid .

There is no ‘standard’ asthma action plan, as everyone’s asthma is different. Your (or your child’s) plan needs to be developed to deal with your own triggers, signs and symptoms, and medication.

Purpose of an asthma action plan

The purpose of an asthma action plan is to provide clear instructions on how to prevent and control asthma symptoms for an individual.

Even if you know what to do when your asthma or your child’s asthma flares up, it is very useful to have clear instructions from your doctor written down in an emergency.

It is important to share these with people who may be caring for you or for your child with asthma so they also know what to do.

Following an asthma action plan and having regular reviews with your doctor can lead to:

What is on an asthma action plan

Asthma action plans for adults

a written asthma action plan for an adult with asthma should include all the following:

Asthma action plans for children

A written asthma action plan for a child with asthma should include all of the following: