The SBA posts outlines of classes made by students in prior years to supplement a student's own case summaries and notes. These can be very helpful study aids as you prepare for exams. Note that the content of these student-authored outlines has not been checked by the SBA or faculty for errors and misstatements so use your discretion when using them.
The Law School's library subscribes to West Academic Study Aids (includes Hornbooks, Nutshells, Gilbert Law Summaries, and Blackletter Outlines) and Aspen Learning Library (includes Examples & Explanations), Emanuel Law Outlines, Glannon Guides, Emanuel CrunchTime, and Casenote Legal Briefs) so that students can access them free of cost.
Professor Daniel Francis held a session on exam writing and strategies you can use to review concepts to set yourself up for success.
Professor Barry Friedman, co-author of Open Book: Succeeding on Exams from the First Day of Law School, and Professor Erin Murphy gave a comprehensive primer on how to succeed in writing law-school exams.
As a reminder, you can also find the TA Exam Prep Workshop in your Intro to US Law course site, which you still have access to via NYU Brightspace.
Need to request an exam postponement or accommodation? Need to review Law School exam rules and protocols? Need more information about Exam4? The Office of Academic Services has put together a very helpful Law School Exams website for all of your exam questions and needs.
You can also submit questions or report exam issues directly to the Exams Team through this website.
Please feel free to make an appointment for an Advising Meeting to meet with Barbara, Nathaly, or Becca.