Real Estate Property Inspection: Checklists, Tools, and Mobile Apps

Whether you’re an independent certified property inspector or you’re part of a company that manages property inspections routinely, conducting property inspections can be a handful to manage.

Even experienced property inspectors can feel overwhelmed by the amount of processes needed to meet a high standard of performance.

This is where it can be handy to have property inspection checklists and tools that make inspections easier.

In this article, we’ll explore what property inspections are, their purpose, the common checklists for property inspections, plus tips and tools that can make real estate property inspections a breeze to conduct.

What is a real estate property inspection?

A real estate property inspection is an inspection of a property for the purpose of determining its condition. Although it is also known as a property inspection, these inspections can also be conducted for commercial properties.

What is the purpose of a property inspection?

Property inspections are important because they provide information about the condition of a property.

When it comes to buying and selling a property, this information can be used by the potential buyer or seller to make decisions about whether to purchase, sell, or repair the property. Property inspections can also be used to regularly evaluate a residential or commercial property status and determine if the property needs renovations or safety maintenance.

Since it is a neutral report that can be used for valuation purposes, financial decisions, or even as evidence in the court of law, property inspections need to provide an accurate picture of the property’s condition.

As such, it is important that those in charge of property inspections have a checklist for every major category of an inspection to make sure nothing critical is missed out.

In the next section, we’ll cover the basic checklists you need to have.

Real estate property inspection checklists

Property inspections can be divided into the major categories below.

Take note that these categories are a basic overview and are not comprehensive. Different types of inspection may have different components to meet specific goals.

Major categories of property inspections

Usually, each area of a property, such as a bedroom or a kitchen in a house, is inspected for each major category.

Not all of the above categories would be applicable to every area, so each checklist would be different for each area.

Here’s an example of what an inspection checklist could look like for a property based on the guidelines provided by the Newham Council.

Keeping track of inspection reports

The inspection checklist example above is just one of the many different types of inspection checklists that a property inspector would need when doing a property inspection.

One would also need a different checklist for other areas of a property, such as the kitchen, the roof, and the garden.

Checklists may also vary when it comes to old properties, or when it comes to different types of property inspection with different primary inspection goals.

For example, an environmental property inspection would need to include processes to identify the presence of asbestos, lead, legionella, and hazardous substances.

With all these variations, it can become a paperwork nightmare to keep track of inspection reports.

There will be multiple forms per property, and if you are inspecting multiple properties a week, this can add up to stacks of paperwork.

Keeping this paperwork organised will in itself be a time-consuming task. Compiling them into a report will be an additional time-consuming task.

This is why a lot of property inspectors have made the switch to mobile inspection apps like Workflows.

Here’s a simple guide on how to move from Paper to Digital Inspections in 5 Simple Steps.

The advantages of mobile inspection apps

Here are a few reasons why mobile inspection apps have become a tool of choice for property inspectors.

property inspections app