Gateway christian school high school requirements

While a campus tour is not required for application, we are pleased to offer an appointment for families who would like the opportunity to preview what GCS offers students and families of our community. Families may also preview our campus through our virtual options before an in-person tour is available. Fill out our inquiry form and say "yes!" to schedule a tour!

Important Application Dates

October 1 – January 31: Early Decision Applications (Non-refundable Application Fee to GCS: $150)
This is the best time of year to apply! Applicants who have completed the application process, and determined to be a candidate for GCS will be offered wait pool status*. Families who have accepted wait pool status will be notified of an enrollment decision in mid-March, after the re-enrollment period is completed for current students.

February 1 – April 30: Open Applications (Non-refundable Application Fee to GCS: $150)
The school year will be here soon! We are actively filling any remaining seats for the next school year. Wait pool status is likely for all grade levels.

February 1 – July 31: Financial Aid Applications (Non-refundable Application Fee to third-party vendor, FACTS Management: $40)
To be considered for possible awards, all requirements must be met. Pending available funding.

May 1 – August 31: Special Consideration (Non-refundable Application Fee to GCS: $150)
It’s not too late! Summer applications are welcome. However, due to summer staffing within multiple school districts application processing delays are likely if not submitted by June 1. Wait pool status is likely for all grade levels.

After September 1: Mid-Year Admissions Applications (Non-refundable Application Fee to GCS: $150)
Applications for mid-year admissions are considered on a per-application basis. Anticipate a wait pool status in most grade levels.

*Confirmation of Wait Pool status must be accepted within 3 business days from time of offer. Applications submitted to Gateway Christian Schools, and/or wait pool status does not guarantee enrollment

Application Process

Apply Online

As our online application is comprehensive, please take care to fill out the application as completely as possible. Most delays in processing are a result of incomplete applications. A campus tour is encouraged, but not required prior to application.. Below is a checklist of items required to complete your student’s application:

GCS obtains records from a student’s current/previous school (to include: grade reports, standardized testing scores, behavior and attendance records, and any special services assessments) for all applicants grades 1-12.

Admission Assessment

When a student’s application is complete (application submitted, and all documentation referenced above is received,) the Admissions Department will schedule an on-campus testing appointment. Kindergarten applicants will be subject to a Kindergarten Readiness Assessment. The purpose is to assess a student’s grade-level proficiency compared to national scores for their peer-group. The results will help us determine how we may be able to partner together with parents in their student's educational journey.

Family Interview

The Admissions Department schedules an admission interview for applicants who meet the admissions/final decision criteria (see below). We require at least one parent/legal guardian to attend along with the student applicant.

Final Decision

The final decision for admission is determined in partnership between Principal(s) and Admissions Team. Students seeking admission to GCS will be evaluated on the basis of:

GCS admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students of the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational or admission policies, financial aid, athletic or other school-administered programs.


When an enrollment offer is extended for a student, an online enrollment packet and instructions for completion will be emailed to the primary contact on file. This packet must be completed within 5 business days to secure your student’s seat. This is the final step in enrolling at GCS. Additional information concerning the upcoming school year will be provided closer to the start of the new academic year.